All engines produce carbon as a side effect of the engine combustion process.
Unfortunately not all of the carbon gets emitted via the exhaust system (to be filtered by the DPF or CAT), with modern recircularisation systems carbon deposits build up in the intake system.
Engine decarbonisation is a vital service to prevent bigger problems developing.
There are lots of direct application spray additives purporting to clean your intake system. Whilst these may have some benefits we don't believe them to be sufficient to avoid carbon buildup.
A thorough chemical cleaning treatment for the intake systems, involves some strip down of the inlet manifolds and intake system for complete treatment. Available with Dragon from £95.
Strip down and removal of the inlet manifolds to allow a thorough walnut bead blasting of the system to remove all carbon and varnishing. Restores condition to as new. We have an information pack available on this.
The machine used is effectively a sand blaster with walnut beads rather than sand
The process is actually rather messy, probably not a home mechanic task in reality
It is astonishing just how effective the walnut blasting is, it really does look like new
The dealerships (in America & Germany at least) recommend this process as part of a regular maintenance schedule